Monday, May 9, 2011

One step back

I've woken with a wry neck.  It's so bad.  All day.  So, so bad.  It's still sore now.  Too sore to workout.  Too sore to even cook dinner.  So I haven't worked out for nearly a week!!!!!!

Here's what happened:

Wednesday - Unplanned cheat meal, but good workout.  Planning to take my next cheat meal on Monday.
Thursday - Did my first TAM PDS workout.  F-ing love the results and think I've cracked the plateau!
Friday - got flogged at work.  Got up out of bed (a bit late as late call-out Thurs night and out until 4am) straight away (about 1pm) and didn't get back in until midnight.  No workout possible. 
Saturday - Needed to vacuum before I worked out on the floor - it had been neglected for over a week now.  Half way through vacuuming I get a job.  Get flogged with back-to-back patients and don't make it back until 5.30pm.  My lower back is killing from all the patient lifting and hours and hours stuck in the ambulance.  Decided I need the night off and the next day to rest my back.  Friend says she's going out and is picking me up at 6pm!  Have 30mins to get ready.  Have a few wines with dinner (which immediately relieves the pain - best muscle relaxant).  Dinner = cheat meal+++
Sunday - hangover.  Recovering from night before.  Too wasted to workout.  Just enough healthy food in the house to eat resonably well.  Feel ok about the cheat meal and feel it has not been an obstacle and happy with my progress.
Today - Get called at 7.30am (still in bed) to ask if I want to work OT.  Don't want to but I need to to pay for my med school fees.  Realise my neck is stiff - try and stretch it under the hot water in the shower and make it much worse to the point where I can't even put my hair up for work.  Still go in anyway with a lavendar-scented teddy-bear wheat heatpack on top of my paramedic uniform.  No chance of working out.  Too sore to even prepare food.  Manage to get a fairly healthy lunch at the cafe but snacking on the only food at work - chocolate. 

So there you go.  That's how easily one can be derailed.  I feel like I've lost a whole week and have gone back up to my plateau set point (the new one which is about 1kg under the old one).

I have enrolled to do my Personal Trainer certificate.  I think it wont take much time as the anatomy and physiology should be pretty basic.  I had a quick look at one of their online tute supplement videos and it was like "the cell wall is a semi-permeable membrane...", and "here are examples of synovial joints...".... ok, I think I will be right with the assesments without too much brain strain.

So I kind of fantasise about having a second job as a personal trainer, but being really high-end boutique, very personalised, like a 3 or 6 month program and not just being paid to kick someone's butt - that is so 5 years ago.  I also hope it will encourage me to stay looking good as it will be expected of me.  I've never been someone who anyone would say "oh yeh, she really looks like and athelete", so the challenge is captivating.  And mainly I'm hoping to encourage myself to keep going with this whole fitness thing - to make it a serious part of my ingrained, everyay life - and that, I believe, is worth the ivestment in PT course tuition fees.  I might even avoid my predestined path of diabetes.  Again, this is the rationalising I am a master at.  Truely.

I go back to work tomorrow night so I hope to get fully back on track tomorrow when I wake up (without a wry neck).

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