Saturday, May 14, 2011

Blogger and reignighting enthusiasm

Blogger is back up finally, so I just published some posts I've written over the past few days.

Last night we finished at about midnight.  I got to bed by 1am.  It is freezing here atm.  The heater went off but the fan kept going in my ducted heating and I couldn't reset the controller on the wall.  So at about 3am I had to put a coat and boots on and go outside with a penlight torch and reset the fuses so I could turn the fan off.

This morning I was happy the heater came on without any problems as it was freezing!  I was due back at work at 8am.  I quickly started to do some dishes and take out the rubbish but y pager went off and that was it.  I only just got back to branch now (about 5pm).  I just had something to eat and now I'm hoping to rest tonight (I'm on-call again).  I still have a really back neck and all I want to do is take Temazepam and red wine, but I will settle for resting my heavy head on the couch under the heater for about 2 hours.

No workout again, and I ate the TAM diet today and yesterday except for one meal each day.  Yesterday it was chicken burritos at the dinner party, and tonight, alas, it was a Quarter Pounder meal on the return from our 250km round trip.  I was hoping to have my cheat meal on the weekend some time anyway.  I will try and save my cheat meal for Saturdays now so I can keep better track and not feel so guilty about it.  I think my last one was last Saturday night...?

So I'm wondering how I can possibly do the TAM and fit it in with my work because right now I'm failing.

My last job today was a very sick respiratory patient that required a doctor escort. It was excellent because I told the doc I was a med student and he grilled me a bit in the back of the ambulance on the trip on the way down.  It was good.  I felt like a real med student again.  He told me he was the head of the emergency department of another large regional hospital and that I wouldn't have a problem getting a job despite studying offshore.

I hope he is right.

(Edit: Oh darn, my pager just went off gain....)

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