Friday, February 25, 2011

Study... more....

Doing some study this morning at work.  Feeling not too far behind, which is a nice change.  We didn't get any call-outs last night so I got almost 8 hours sleep in-a-row!  Unfortunately for me, this week's case is very difficult. It's about ARDS (Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome) and there's lots of lab values to interpret, plus I have no experience in an ICU, therefore no experience with ventilators and ICU drugs etc.  I'm way out of my comfort zone.

Then I flicked ahead through the case to the unit material and the first line was: "The heart and lungs are vital organs situated in the thorax protected by the rib cage".  !!!!  It's the end of the respiratory module, I think I know where the lungs are.....  Funny.  I find most of the provided unit readings are 90% super-basic with the odd fact dispersed throughout,so it's a matter of skimming before heading to the textbooks for further reading.  That is, of course, when I'm not frantically trying to finish the tasks before next week's lecture.

This is the last case study for the term.  I'm scared I have to study and cram so much before the exam.  I sent in my quiz without trying or looking up answers, I just thought it was overdue so who cares and I still got 9/10.   Maybe I feel like I'm doing bad because it's so difficult, but really we're being prepared really well by our lecturer with all these compulsory tasks.  Unfortunately, I wont know until after the exam, which will be too late, so I wont be taking any chances with my exam prep, which commences in 3 days....

My run yesterday was reduced to the 2.5km, which I think my dog was so grateful for because he was running way behind me on the last part of the loop.  It was just too hot.  And near the end I looked down at my watch and got so excited because it read: 15:35, and my goal is 2.5km in 15 minutes, then I realsied that that was the time of day, not minutes:seconds as I had forgot to start my stop watch :/ 

Edit: ARDS is now known as Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.

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