Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Free Google books medical textbook list

If you haven't heard of Google books yet, it can be a little gem.  Not all books are available on there, and the ones that are are usually missing pages due to copyright restrictions and you usually can't print the pages, therefore you might have to supplement with borrowing from the library and/or photocopying the pages you need, before upgrading to a $1 secondhand >10 years old version, and then finally being able to afford the lastest edition (or at least one less than 5-10 years old).  It can be a real pain if your med school references specific pages in specific editions which is what my med school does, but you can still work around it if you're really tight on cash.

Here are a few links to books that are on my core textbooks list at my med school.

Lippincott's Biochemistry
Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine
Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease
First Aid for the USMLE Step 1
Guyton and Hall Medical Physiology
Martin Neuroanatomy

There's quite a few more textbooks in my well-established library now, but that's just some examples of the ones I have in hard copy which are available in part online for free.

If I was Google books and book publishers I would make everything available and just charge per page or per view in a sort of iTunes format. They'd make money for sure!

Study is going well but I'm sort of getting bored of it. Can't wait til it's over and I can start a new topic.

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