Saturday, December 31, 2011

BrainGenie for a non-scientist

I'm struggling through some of the science disciplines in my medical degree.  This is most likely due to the fact I did not do any science past grade 9 in high school except for a tiny bit of intro to biology and physics in my first year of my paramedic degree, and my terrible attempt at self-study for the GAMSAT.

Seeing as I'm working on becoming a doctor, and the USMLE Step 1 has some of this stuff in it, I thought I better learn what DNA is etc. Scary thought, isn't it? A doctor that doesn't really understand much about DNA and genetics.  Luckily, I only need a fairly basic understanding of these things and I came across a gem of a website called . It seems to be for primary and secondary school students but it is FREE, and has good quality, clear lectures.  I'm currently going through some of them now, and I might even refresh on my long division while I'm here.

The BrainGenie lectures wont be enough to do well in the Step, but it's a good starting place before moving on ad adding more detail.  I believe one needs a good foundation to build on.

I also have a "5th-pass theory". I heard it somewhere and kind of butchered it a bit.  It might even be a real theory of learning.  But my theory goes something like that the "first-pass" or first time you see a new piece of information, your brain is thinking "I've never seen this before. It is completely foreign to me. Scary". The second-pass you brain says "I think I've seen this somewhere before, but I can't remember what it is exactly". The third-pass "Oh this again, what is it again?" Forth-pass "Yep, I know what this is" and finally the fifth-pass your brain says "Oh! This old thing! Yeh, that's easy!".

Sometimes the first-pass needs to be gentle...


  1. Hi! I read regularly your blog, but I am so often too lazy to comment...
    Thank you for recommending braingenie! I believe most people have some gaps in their knowledge of science disciplines. It's also very forgettable.
    I checked this site and found great presentations on cellular respiration which is one of the first things I have to repeat ;-)

  2. Hi Audrey1119,

    Yeh, I think it is a great little website. I'm sure I'll be getting a lot of use out of it!

    Thanks for your comment.

