Monday, November 7, 2011

Time, wellness, and balance

Today is the first day of my new fitness routine. Right now I weigh more than ever before in my life. I have no multiple pregnancies or chronic hormonal imbalances to blame, well unless you count my chronic stress.

I think it went off the rails about in Tibet. Going on a big adventure like that was probably not such a good idea given the amount of stress I endure at home with work and study. Bali is looking good for next time (although I have been pricing up Mongolia).

I went to bed at 7.30pm last night. I was just exhausted from my normal life of work, call-outs, and med. I constantly crave junk food and sleep, but unless the Earth's gravity has increased by 10% in the past month I need to put the brakes on these bad habits ASAP.

I was talking to my dear friend about how we as girls can take care of our looks (figures/hair/makeup etc) without being superficial. In the same way I used to think only greedy people had money, I'm finding it difficult to psychologically make sense of how I can take care of my looks without being shallow. It's difficult, because to find the time to exercise and eat right requires prioritisation. Only shallow people would put how they look above study, right? I think this where a lot of women get caught when they have families - by always putting their families first. But I can tell you as a single female, I have the same guilt trips just in different forms.

Today we were so flat-out at work I did less than an hour's study. I finally got home at night and I did my TAM workout. I'm so glad I did. I watched a little Kaplan before deciding to eat dinner and post this before going to bed early again. I am also glad I found a way today to make tofu tasty (slice thinly, marinate the hell out of it, and stir-fry/grill until a little charcoal) and I have started the process of sugar detox.

Day One down and I feel fine.....

Now for an early night's bed. Let's hope tomorrow I can fit in more study too.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. hey honey
    I know I havent commented for a long time but i still read. You always amaze me with how much you do! there is no way on this planet I could hold down a medical degree a job and still be sain, let alone fit in a life and exercise around it.

    Its not vanity its good for your health mentaly and physically. ITs proven eating well and exercising gives us more energy. Which will help with everything else. MEans your well for longer and more able to fight off colds etc. And life long stay in better health.

    As much as you look after your soul and mind does your body that hosts them need care too!


  2. Hi Bethany,

    Thank you for your comment. I truely want to be and feel fit and health, rather than just look it, so I think you are absolutely right.

    Thanks for the inspiration, it was just what i needed.

