Friday, November 11, 2011


So, where are we at? I got to review for my quiz quite comprehensively yesterday but I almost went into a cardiac arrhythmia when I realised how I stupidly messed up two questions.  Geez.  Insert palm of hand to forehead move here. Oh well. I won't miss them on the final exam.  At least I still got 80%.

These quizzes account for 30% of the total unit mark, and a quick predictive calculation of what I'm expecting for the other 70% puts me on target for another ~85% module.  That is ok, but I was hoping to get up closer to that 90%+ mark.  Frustrating.

I have a few days off and I'm going visiting - I have a 3-4 hours drive ahead of me today so I'm quickly downloading some medical podcasts onto my iPod. OUM used to have podcasts of their lectures but I can't seem to locate them - there is something right down deep in the back of my memory that makes me think they sent an email saying they were ceasing that. Hmmm...

Normally, I have no need for podcasts on my iPod as my place of work is, oh, about 500m from my house.  I don't travel much.  And I wouldn't subject my co-workers to an audio book about the USMLE in the ambulance.  I have so far gone through TWO of those thingies that put your iPod through your car's radio - but the sound quality is terrible.  I could get an iPod jack for my car, but that's an expense I'm trying to avoid seeing as I really could do with a couple of new tyres sometime soon.

Ah that's about it.  Stress at about a Code Orange today as I'm going away for the weekend and I doubt I'll get any study done before my Sunday morning lecture.

PS  I also have to take my old laptop with me as my friggin iPad doesn't do Java and therefore doesn't do my lecture. Sheesh.  Maybe I should have got myself another laptop instead of my desktop.  But I do love my desktop.

Ah, back to a quick clean of the house before I head off.

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