Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Trying to keep up my schedule, utilise maximal brain power, and keep my good humour are all very difficult to do on a calorie-restricted diet.  But seeing as my weight ballooned to an all new high last week, and new research is strongly suggesting what most intuitively know that it is much  better to never gain the weight in the first place, I decided I needed to take action asap.

I'm happy to report I'm back down under the previous personal record of top weight to my "comfortable" weight, but I'm going to try and get down a bit more towards my "happy" weight.

Studying is much easier for me under the fuel of lollies, but as I've said time and time before, my medical studies are not going to come at the cost of everything else which is important in my life.

Speaking of studies - we've been really busy at work.  This is good in one respect because the call-outs over night are earning me enough money so as I don't need to do any over time atm, which is doubley as good because I have stuff to do on my days off  including study and more study.

Today I was sleeping util noon (we were working until past 2am) and I started studying the adrenal glands in Robbins for an hour before having to work again.  It's now nearly 5pm.

So, again, I must go back to it.  I'm hoping to get an hour and a half done before going on-call and then I'm hoping to do a TAM workout as I just got my latest Metamorphosis dvds in the mail this morning.

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