Friday, November 18, 2011

Survival stroke

Survival stroke was a swimming style we got taught in school as kids - ie how to not drown.  That is what I feel like I'm doing this week in med school.

We were busy at work, and because I feel like I totally stuffed up last week and I have a few extra pressures coming up this week, I sit down, look at what I have to do, have a mini-meltdown, and the completely freeze-up.....

Ah, that reminds me of a story.....

I have been mentally collecting stories of the best (ie worst) excuses for calling an ambulance and getting despatched to.  Out in my rural area, these types of incidents are few and far between.  The best one I have personally got despatched to was a cut finger while cooking.  A few nights ago I topped my previous personal best of "hungry" and "scared of thunder" when I heard a city crew got despatched to a "brain freeze" - yep, the kind you get after drinking a slurpee too quickly.  Seriously.  How does that even make its way past the call-taker to the despatcher.  I'd love to know what the paramedics had to say to the caller.

But I digress....

I'm in brain-freeze myself, but the other kind.  The kind that makes you go completely mentally blank.  If I was trying to write a novel it might be called writers block perhaps?  Or is it pure procrastination?  Overwhelment (yet again)?

I'm in damage control. Again.

In good news, my fitness regime has been going surprisingly well!  I hope I can keep it up.  I've decided to workout every day on my days off, and to not worry on my days I'm working.  That's still 7 days a fortnight which is pretty good and includes cardio and muscle workouts - TAM of course.  I caught a quick glimpse of some surprising muscle definition this morning and I am again a converted follower of Ms Anderson.

My diet has been going well.  My sugar cravings have diminished quite a lot which is good.  My brain is getting used to functioning on slow-release carbs and fruit instead of lollies and Coke.  This has to be a good thing.  I'm still into my tofu and veges.  I craved a cheeseburger last night, got one, ate about two bites and  seriously couldn't stomach it.  My dog was happy about that.  I'm not sure what has happened to me - this doesn't usually happen.  I can still usually have my cheat food day, but this week I struggled to eat a Cheery Ripe.  I had to eat half, take a break, and eat the other half later on.  Well, I think I know what's happened - I started drinking this meal replacement called Rapid Loss.  I got sucked into the infomercials and I'm kind of glad I did.  It's working well for me.

So this morning I had a meeting online with my academic advisor and we started going through molecular biology and the basics of pathology, you know, just to add more study on top of my endocrine case studies, the intergrated learning series, etc.  Ugh.  So I looked at the MIT free online courses (Open Courseware) and I've ordered the molecular biol text to do their course.  WTF?  When will  Ido this?  Ugh. 


Damage control.

Survival stroke.

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