Monday, June 11, 2012


I got my aura photographed and read at the Mind Body and Spirit festival on the weekend. I was amazed at how accurately it represented me right now. For anyone that knows me or has been reading this blog, how much does this sound like me; *Large yellow "thinking/intelligence" aura over head meaning I think a lot *Orange aura to my right meaning I'm currently ambitious and highly driven *Purple aura to my left meaning a more spiritual side of me is coming in *Yellow aura over my heart indicating a good heart So, yeh, the lady reading it said something like "Are you in (internal) conflict right now?" She could tell my mind was grappling with the two sides of me - the scientific and the spiritual. When I explained how I'm studying western med and Chinese med and natural medicines she said the aura describes me trying to come to terms with them. Her sage wisdom was that I would eventually be able to find a way to make sense of the scientific and sporitual and have them coexist in my mind and that I'd be able to apply my combined knowledge in my own unique way. Excellent! So now I feel reassured that my path is, although slightly unconventional, at times hypocritical or conflicting, and perhaps hectic from the outside observer, is my path. So excited. Ok back to revision for my TCM foundations exam. I have two TCM books in front of me, a biochem text and a molecular bio text too for when I need to mix things up in my own special brew.

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