Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Marathon effort

Considering most of my preclinical modules for med are conducted externally, I just spent 6 hours (in a row) online in a live lecture getting pimped with my other 10 classmates (and graded on my answers).  This happens once a week (usually 2-4 hours but 6 hours occasionally) and then 2 hours a week face-to-face with my mentor. this is all of course on top of a weekly case study, self-directed learning, additional readings, and online tute forums.  Oh, then there's that presentation I have to do.

It used to be just audio during the live lectures, but now it's video too (think Skype but with Powerpoint slides and a comments area), so I need to get out of my pyjamas for my 6am lectures.  I'm not a morning person, but at least it gets it out of the way.

It also doesn't help that my lecturer is a respiratory specialist and my fellow classmates are mostly nurse practitioners (1/2 way to GP already).  It makes for a very high-level of brain-power requiring class...


At least this all adds up to (hopefully) performing better on the exams.

I'm going to go pass-out now.

That is all.

Edit:  I forgot to mention the two quizes I have to do each week too.

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