Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Placements booked!

So, very exciting. I booked a 4-week IM placements and another 4-week EM placement (which I will do as an elective "rural emergency medicine").

I start IM in 4 weeks. I have been on annual leave and at home with the baby so not studying happened for me. I can get that done at work. I have 16 work days until my placement commences so in that time I need to get well enough prepared to make the most of my placement, feel more confident in myself as a medical student and future doctor, and not make a fool out of myself.

EM begins after a 4-week break between the two.

Both are local hospitals! YES! That means I can juggle being a mum and a paramedic without having to travel away from home.

Both hospitals have hinted that they can potentially give me more rotations. Both hospitals have internship programs that I'd LOVE to get once I graduate and pass AMC.

After these placements I still, therefore, have to find another 24 weeks of hospital placements before I can graduate.


  1. Hi CJ! I've just read your comments form way back in 2011 about attending OUM. I'm currently looking into medicine and GAMSAT prep. My background as an RN is what drove me to pursue Medicine as a career. Also I live in Brisbane and would be very interested in picking your brain about your experiences and thoughts of OUM etc.
    All the best!

    1. Hi Ray. Thanks for the comment. I am happy to answer questions via email (I got your email from your other comment and deleted it for your privacy).

      If you can go to med school in Australia, then I definitely recommend doing that. There are a number of reasons why someone may choose OUM over a traditional Australian med school and I have touched on them a few times in the blog.

      To recap, for me it was mostly financial, but also I didn't want to leave my brand-new paramedic career, I didn't want to move, I didn't want to go back to full-time uni life (mostly, financial), and for flexibility that the OUM course offers regarding start dates etc.

      Definitely a lot of "cons" to studying the way I am. No guaranteed job in Australia is the biggest.

      Chat soon via email.

      CJ :D
