Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Same ol'...

.. same ol'.

Went for a 4.5km run for the first time with the dog today.  He ran like a champ and kept me going on the back stretch.  I'm running really, REALLY slow so I'll have to work on speed some time before the proper 5km event next month otherwise I'll be finishing behind the people doing the 10km event....

I have yet again somehow managed to muck up my school timetable and am yet again in panic mode..  Seriously, wont this term just end already?

MoH duties continue and don't seem to be slowing down any time soon.

I did an practice test with USMLE World Q Bank tonight - just the respiratory ones, and I got 55%.  I know that sounds horrible, but at 75% I would be extremely happy and believe I can achieve that before my exam as it is slightly easier, but has more curve-balls, than the USMLE prep exams seem to.  By curve-balls I mean that, for example, last term it was cardiovascular, and then up popped questions on epidemiology/statistics eg what the difference between cohort and control studies - wtf?

Met my mentor at the hospital down in the ED for the first time today.  It was excellent and what I really needed to focus on why I'm sacrificing so much time, money, and grey-hairs to my studies right now.  Although I felt like a total waste-of-space, it was a nice start.  Plus (almost) everyone in the ED already knows me from ambulance work and are really friendly.  couldn't ask for anything more, really.

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