Sunday, February 20, 2011


I worked today and did housework and that was about it.  I cant wait until holidays from study so I can do more around the house.

I'm suffering from insomnia at the moment, despite being the healthiest I've been in ages.  I eat really good, no soda, max one coffee every few days, alcohol only once a week, and good exercise and sleep (when I get it).  My body clock is set to be awake at night instead of the day, but I guess that's not overly surprising considering I do most of my call-outs at night.

I have two things due for med school today and I haven't done them yet.  I think I can certainly send in one thing today I have finished but just need rewording, and the other thing is the quiz which I have sent in a day late every week for the whole term, so why change that now in the second-last week!

I did some light weights yesterday, which have already noticeably tightened up my arms, but boy does it ever ramp up my appetite!  Analysing the way my body works, I think I might do weights only once or twice a week, and keep the running to three times a week.

I'm finding that at work my med studies are coming into play all the time.  I don't think I've annoyed my co-workers much yet by bringing up ideas that fall outside the normal paramedic practice.  Certainly, I'm not treating my patients any differently, but it is interesting to be able to start to interpret labs, go through a differential diagnosis including diseases which are no life-threatening/of concern to ambulance, look at ECGs more deeply, and to understand more about what investigation will likely be done at the hospital. 

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