Thursday, February 10, 2011


When I feel overwhelmed with study, like what happens when you get behind, I like to break everything down into little chunks and plan it out day-by-day on my calendar.  I did that this morning.  I have already achieved half of today's plan.  So, so far it's working well.

I think I should be able to make up for lost time if I really put my head down now. 

My mentor told me about how she had trouble staying focused for a term when she was back in med school.  I really love it when people I look up to are generous enough to share their pitfalls with their juniors.  I really respect that, and I find it is those I respect the most who are the most willing to admit these things.  Perhaps it's to do with feeling comfortable enough with their abilities to admit their failures. 

Anyway, I hope I can not make this a habit and get myself together to finish this term with a respectable grade and be a model student next term.

In marathon news, I only ran for 1km (!) on the treadmill today at work.  I hate treadys.  I went and saw my friend and co-worker at lunch and she said we should do the Emergency Service Games 5km cross-country next month.  Don't tell everyone, but last year there were so few competitors that almost every age class was guarenteed a place in the medals... sshhhhhh...  And it would be a good medium-term goal for marathon prep.  So, i have to build on 1km to 5km before some time in next month.

While considering all of the above, I will also keep mindful of the below quote which the Dalai Lama's Facebook page sent me today;

The more you think about your own self, the more self-centred you are, the more trouble even small problems can create in your mind. The stronger your sense of ‘I’, the narrower the scope of your thinking becomes; then even small obstacles become unbearable. On the other hand, if you concern yourself mainly with others, the broader your thinking becomes, and life’s inevitable difficulties disturb you less.- Dalai Lama

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