*Please note that I don't keep link checking so some may go out of date over time since publishing. Please contact me if you notice an error (see my bio for email)
My revision notes
(See Med School notes page)
Online medical student resources
Almost a Doctor
Revision notes for medical students.
Good quality lectures of the basic sciences - high school level. Might be good for GAMSAT/MCAT prep too or anyone deficient in the basic sciences at this level (background before med school). Can refresh your maths here too.
Khan Academy
BrainGenie on anabolic steroids. Amazing amount of videos.
Interactive Biology
A lot like BrainGenie but more human physiology stuff. Good solid foundation lectures. Can even download some stuff (to take with you). Unfortunately you have to register with your email address.
MIT Open Courseware
Free online courses provided by MIT. Varying degrees of user-friendliness and completeness. Many subjects available.
Needs no introduction. Often a good first place to start when wanting an overview of a subject.
Wikiversity School of Medicine
Still under construction. Some features currently available.
Professional Education Organisation International
HTML courses on various subjects - good if internet speed is a problem
USMLE Score Correlation
Get a rough idea what your prep test score will correlate to on the USMLEs.
Teaching Medicine
This website has free printable handouts on a few topics, esp cardiac, resp, and renal.
This is the link to the page with more links to pretty good practice questions. Not all topics covered.
Dr Minarcik (WashingtonDeceit)
Pathology. A whole year's course worth of lectures and labs following Robbins Pathologic Basic of Disease textbook.
Dr Paul (Paediatrician)
YouTube channel with really great "real" paediatric cases. Well presented and informative.
What I'm using to revise med school for final theory exam (the equivalent of USMLE Step 1 and 2). Lots of free stuff in there or very affordable USD$50 for full access (each for Step 1 and 2).
Doctors in Training
Prep courses for USMLE, plus individual pharm and internal medicine lectures
Kaplan Medical
Well-known and expensive prep courses for USMLE
Best for practice USMLE exam questions providing throughly explained answers
Dr Najeeb
400+ hours of pre-clinical lectures via YouTube channel. Good if you need to go back to scratch (more in-depth and basic than revision lectures). 30 hours of free "trial" lectures available. Now at a ridiculously affordable price of USD$45 for lifetime membership (cost varies occasionally), was $400 for a year at one stage.
Dr Mungli
FREE biochemistry revision for USMLE Step 1 - recent addition to YouTube. More videos hopefully coming soon!
Pinky and The Brain - Brainstem
The Cranial Nerves Song
Diagnosis Wenkebach
Living arrhythmias
My revision notes
(See Med School notes page)
Online medical student resources
Almost a Doctor
Revision notes for medical students.
Emergency and critical care doctors providing helpful hints - more aimed at post-graduation. Lots of crazy ED satire.
Good quality lectures of the basic sciences - high school level. Might be good for GAMSAT/MCAT prep too or anyone deficient in the basic sciences at this level (background before med school). Can refresh your maths here too.
Khan Academy
BrainGenie on anabolic steroids. Amazing amount of videos.
Interactive Biology
A lot like BrainGenie but more human physiology stuff. Good solid foundation lectures. Can even download some stuff (to take with you). Unfortunately you have to register with your email address.
MIT Open Courseware
Free online courses provided by MIT. Varying degrees of user-friendliness and completeness. Many subjects available.
Needs no introduction. Often a good first place to start when wanting an overview of a subject.
Wikiversity School of Medicine
Still under construction. Some features currently available.
Professional Education Organisation International
HTML courses on various subjects - good if internet speed is a problem
USMLE Score Correlation
Get a rough idea what your prep test score will correlate to on the USMLEs.
Teaching Medicine
This website has free printable handouts on a few topics, esp cardiac, resp, and renal.
This is the link to the page with more links to pretty good practice questions. Not all topics covered.
Dr Minarcik (WashingtonDeceit)
Pathology. A whole year's course worth of lectures and labs following Robbins Pathologic Basic of Disease textbook.
Dr Paul (Paediatrician)
YouTube channel with really great "real" paediatric cases. Well presented and informative.
What I'm using to revise med school for final theory exam (the equivalent of USMLE Step 1 and 2). Lots of free stuff in there or very affordable USD$50 for full access (each for Step 1 and 2).
Doctors in Training
Prep courses for USMLE, plus individual pharm and internal medicine lectures
Kaplan Medical
Well-known and expensive prep courses for USMLE
Best for practice USMLE exam questions providing throughly explained answers
Dr Najeeb
400+ hours of pre-clinical lectures via YouTube channel. Good if you need to go back to scratch (more in-depth and basic than revision lectures). 30 hours of free "trial" lectures available. Now at a ridiculously affordable price of USD$45 for lifetime membership (cost varies occasionally), was $400 for a year at one stage.
Dr Mungli
FREE biochemistry revision for USMLE Step 1 - recent addition to YouTube. More videos hopefully coming soon!
Pinky and The Brain - Brainstem
The Cranial Nerves Song
Diagnosis Wenkebach
Living arrhythmias