Thursday, November 24, 2011


I can't log into my quiz yet again and I've run out of ideas.  The help desk number is in the USA and I don't want to make an international phone call.  Frustrated.

It's Thursday afternoon, I have a double case-study I've barely started, and I'm feeling so behind.

It's times like these I like to make a plan.

Here's mine;

1. Give up on attempting quiz.  There is nothing I can do so I need to let it go  What ever will be will be.
2. Whatever happens - read half of my case study by end of working day.  Get to page 52 (in 3 hours).
3. Do the dishes and hang out laundry.
4. Wash hair as soon as I can tonight between call-outs.

1. Whatever happen finish case study by end of working day. 104 pages.
2. Vacuum as soon as I get home between call-outs.
3. Watch Kaplan at home on-call between call-outs.

1. At least scan all readings for this case study by end of working day.
2. Prepare for tomorrow's lecture.
3. Put away clothes in wardrobe.

1.  Do lecture and academic advisor meeting
2.  Write down possible exam questions from lecture.
3.  Do tidy-up of house before friends come over Monday.
4.  Night off - watch some tv or mow lawns.

Next week (Week 7)
1.  Do a bit on presentation each day (break into daily chunks - TBA).  Submit by Friday.
2.  Prepare revision study plan during breaks from putting together the presentation.
3.  Start throwing out junk from cupboards during study breaks and keep on top of house work.

Week 8
1.  Make revision study plan
2.  Revise for end of term exam as per plan
3.  Use study breaks for house work and continue throwing out junk from cupboards.

I feel a little bit better now.  Now to go read that case study....

1 comment:

  1. Re software support for the remote proctor: I have had major problems with them - they do not respond to phone calls or emails. I had to write to the president of the company (Software Secure) to get them to respond. Even then, no apologies from the company's owner. And then I was heavily criticised by OUM for not being polite in my dealings with them. OUM was of no help either. In fact, I was suspended for my 'tone' of communications with both Software Secure and OUM and ended up missing a module. I still have had no formal explanation as to why I was suspended. Not happy with OUM. Communicate with me if you want more information.
