Lots of mowing.

One of my main goals is to get one of those beautiful lawns you can walk on bare foot and not experience pain. From where I've had it, to where it is now is quite a dramatic improvement, but I still have a fair way to go.
I finally have a mower with a motor in it, but I still like my push-mower and it gives me a good workout. I like to get out in the garden for about 30mins to an hour after work each day, get some vitamin D and a large dose of allergy-inducing pollen to go with it at this time of year.
We worked past 4am this morning (actually it was quite funny because I attended the same patient at 11am and then 14-hours later at 1am and she was confused as to what sort of shift I was on - I just love explaining that I work 24 hours for 5 days straight. It gets a great reaction). I got up at 12noon, had a relaxed break, vacuumed a little, and went back into work at 2.30pm. There I started studying the physiology of the adrenal hormones while simultaneously sorting out my solar power feed-in contract and cancelling my pay TV (seeing as I'm trying to be green and frugal into my future life). I also got to order a cheap international edition of Guyton and Hall physiology so I finally have pretty much every textbook I need.
At 4.30pm we got paged and I just got back now.
I got home and my neighbour brought me over a plate of dinner - how lovely a surprise! Very nice indeed.
Now I just want to read more of this physiol chapter before going to bed/getting paged again.
Stress level is about a Code Orange. Only because I think I can make up ground in revision week as I have a few days off and no other commitments, and apart from last week, I've been keeping up ok.
I read on Gwenyth's GOOP an article by her holistic osteopath about spine pain and it's life "meaning". Neck pain can be either physical (osteoporosis) or emotional (life overload). I have neck pain now. I always attributed it to studying too much, but some times I can study for days on send and get no pain, and other times just an hour will make the pain incredible. Food for thought, me thinks. I don;t know how I got onto Goop - it never tends to hold my attention much, but I think a blog directed me back there again. I don;t mind Gwenny, and she discovered Tracey Anderson which I thank her for greatly, but the Goop articles I normally find a bit dull.
Ok, back to the books.
One of my main goals is to get one of those beautiful lawns you can walk on bare foot and not experience pain. From where I've had it, to where it is now is quite a dramatic improvement, but I still have a fair way to go.
I finally have a mower with a motor in it, but I still like my push-mower and it gives me a good workout. I like to get out in the garden for about 30mins to an hour after work each day, get some vitamin D and a large dose of allergy-inducing pollen to go with it at this time of year.
We worked past 4am this morning (actually it was quite funny because I attended the same patient at 11am and then 14-hours later at 1am and she was confused as to what sort of shift I was on - I just love explaining that I work 24 hours for 5 days straight. It gets a great reaction). I got up at 12noon, had a relaxed break, vacuumed a little, and went back into work at 2.30pm. There I started studying the physiology of the adrenal hormones while simultaneously sorting out my solar power feed-in contract and cancelling my pay TV (seeing as I'm trying to be green and frugal into my future life). I also got to order a cheap international edition of Guyton and Hall physiology so I finally have pretty much every textbook I need.
At 4.30pm we got paged and I just got back now.
I got home and my neighbour brought me over a plate of dinner - how lovely a surprise! Very nice indeed.
Now I just want to read more of this physiol chapter before going to bed/getting paged again.
Stress level is about a Code Orange. Only because I think I can make up ground in revision week as I have a few days off and no other commitments, and apart from last week, I've been keeping up ok.
I read on Gwenyth's GOOP an article by her holistic osteopath about spine pain and it's life "meaning". Neck pain can be either physical (osteoporosis) or emotional (life overload). I have neck pain now. I always attributed it to studying too much, but some times I can study for days on send and get no pain, and other times just an hour will make the pain incredible. Food for thought, me thinks. I don;t know how I got onto Goop - it never tends to hold my attention much, but I think a blog directed me back there again. I don;t mind Gwenny, and she discovered Tracey Anderson which I thank her for greatly, but the Goop articles I normally find a bit dull.
Ok, back to the books.
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