I'm fairly resilient against flu and gastro, but tonsillitis is my Achilles heel.
So I couldn't even be bothered blogging, much less studying. Today I decided to have a look at what Masters stuff is due, and OMG, something was due yesterday, another thing is due Monday, and then another is due on the 11th. I don't really want to spend my holidays studying. Id' much rather be sleeping, eating, exercising, and drinking, but seeing how much more difficult it was to work and study med only a few weeks ago, I know I can easily do this and still sleep, eat, exercise, and drink. Oops, I almost forgot my other favourite holiday pass-time - shop.
Here's uan update on my life:
- Work - none! I'm on holidays and loving it.
- Study - see above. Can't wait to go back to studying med next term. Kind of wish I had more spare time/energy/motivation to revise respiratory properly, but oh well. Still gald I' doing the MIH as I keep thinking of my dream goal to work OS.
- Marathon - no run for a week due to illness. Walked the dog slowly today and did yoga. Thinking run on Monday. Will reassess fitness and everything next week. I didn't make the 5km x-country on the weekend. I was so disaapointed about that, but what can you do.
- House - amazingly clean thanks to holidays. Garden needs help.
- Lovelife - still no comment.
- MoH - we're doing flowers now after sorting the wedding dress and bridesmaid dresses.
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