Wednesday, April 20, 2011

First OT

I'm doing my first overtime shift since coming back to work.  OT for me = med school tuition fees, so seeing as I'm all caught up on sleep so far, I'm happy to be here.  Today should pay for this week's fees.  Even though I'm not studying this term I still pay monthly across the year to try and make it easier.  Well, that is the theory.  IF only I could do 12 more OT shifts by the end of the week and I would be all caught up on school fees too.  Ugh.  I'm trying not to stress about it too much yet.  I still have both my kidneys to sell.

Luckily I've been fairly good with preparing food days ahead so after getting the phone call to come into work I was able to easily round-up my grub.  I also knew what I wanted to do for workout this am, so I grabbed my Tracy Anderson Mat Workout DVD, two 1kg weights, and skipping rope, and have my runners on.  We have a treadmill at work, so I'm hoping to do 30mins 15% incline walking, but, as usually, there's a "but".  I woke up with a big painful red lump under the ball of my left foot.  I'm not sure if it's a bite or if I walked on a stone and forgot.  I did stand on something sharp 2 days ago... ooh I hope it's not infected.  So I'm going to take a closer look at that before I begin.  I wont affect the Mat Workout, and I can put most of my weight on the right foot for skipping, but the walking might be difficult.  Ugh.

We had some good work yesterday so I'm glad to be back still.  I also bumped into my Mentor at the hospital and she was all like "When are we starting again!?"... It's so awesome to have a mentor that enthusiastic!

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