I worked last night at the Golden Plains Music Festival in Meredith. It was so much fun (as usual). I love the music and the chilled-out crowd having a great time in their festival boots and funny clothes. There where quite a few people dressed as teddy bears etc or as other things such as in surgical scrubs. I even saw one man walking around nude during the night.
I had more fun in the First Aid tent then I would have out in the crowd I reckon because I got to work with an ED reg and a final year med student who were both more than willing to teach me a few things. I stayed behind to be taken through and assisted with sutures. It's not a big procedure but I haven't seen it be done on a live patient before. The patients had a classic vaso-vagal (faint) which was quite funny so it was lucky they were sitting on the edge of the stretcher and just had to be guided back. What was interesting was the med student said we had to wait til he recovered and ask his permission to proceed. I was like "quick let's suture him up before he wakes up again". Interesting.
We didn't have too many serious patients. Most people just require the first aid services of St John for things like minor burns, grazes, and ant bites. Some people forget their asthma reliever medication, and some people get soft tissue injuries from being in a human pyramid!
I also worked with a crit care nurse I've worked with many times before and she told me she's done the gamsat and wants to do med....but.... and there's always that "but". That's about 5 people I know and work with around here who have personally approached me about OUM and studying med. All her excuses, as the other people's, were perfectly reasonable. And maybe she will start when these things are taken care of. And I did the same thing myself - I put off starting for two years. Anyway, my point is there will always be blockages and "but"s, so if you're one of those people maybe you should think about if you want to be one of those people that "wants" to do med or "is" doing med.
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