The end is on the horizon. I take my RES exam in two days. Between then ad now I have to work one night of call and one day shift.
I've got somesort of viral tonsillitis. Again. Every time I get run down I get viral tonsillitis. What is it with my pharynx? I have been sleeping plenty and eating fairly well (for my standards) and yet I'm imploding. I haven't been running to conserve energy. I don't get it. My lecturer for biochem was a bit of an alternative medicine guru in his spare time and he told my to rub my thymus. I'll give it a go.
So today I'm about to do more Qbank, then I'll try and assimilate the res chapter of FA. Then I absolutely must check with my cases studies that I've covered all the learning objectives, as some lie in other chapters of FA (ie HIV). Then I need to print out my quizzes and tasks for the module and make sure I have read through them all by the end of tomorrow. I really hope it's not too busy at work tonight or tomorrow.
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