Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Can having a baby make you smarter?

It turns out YES!

Mothers often complain about baby-brain but I wonder if it's simply sleep- and rest-deprivation, and not being used to multitasking to such a high degree, dealing with stressful events, and having your routine (including sleep) completely out of whack. There's also the skill of being interrupted ever 5 seconds and remaining sane. That's a tough one.

I really feel that being a paramedic has prepared me for being a mother in all of the above ways.

And, as I think I blogged about in an earlier post, after having my first baby I felt I had gotten smarter and did an online IQ test where I scored much higher (about 10 points) than in previous attempts.

I also have a reduced requirement for sleep, a more profound sense of being present, and the ability to  make more rationale decision to prioritise (such as saving versus spending on things I don't need). My home is much cleaner and more organised.

They negative effects of becoming s mother, for me, is the deep feeling of fear. If anything happens to my child, it scares the absolute crap out of me. I suppose that is somewhat normal, especially for someone who has seen way too much scary shit at work.

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