Wednesday, July 4, 2012


I've started studying a Master Health Science (Herbal Medicine). It's basically Western Herbal Medicine, i.e. herbal medicine but not Chinese herbal medicine or Ayurvedic herbal medicine etc.

Because I began mid-year, I've started with the research subject and an elective. The unit does trimesters (great concept) abut only does the first two per year (strange). So, anyway, I'm off and running in Herbal Medicine.

I am claiming a credit for the research subject and that leaves me with the elective only this year. I chose a dermatological one which is quite interesting and I figured it might be good for my medical studies as the pre-clinical units skim over dermatology yet it is one of the most common complaints of patients presenting to their primary health care practitioner. I also believe the skin reflects whats happening internally. So far, I'm three weeks ahead already (after one week of term) and I've begun my first assignment (not due for 4 more weeks but I hope to have most of it down before Bali).

The Master of International Health begins in two weeks time (along with Chinese Medicine). I'm only doing one subject, mainly to keep things ticking-over, but also because it's a research subject which can be difficult, slightly boring, but also this subject is very similar to ones in both the Herbal Medicine and Chinese Medicine courses (so I can get credits). There's about another 3 research subjects remaining in my International Health course including a project. The subject I'm doing next semester I was enrolling in but withdrew last year, so I still have the notes for it so I've begun studying for that already and I've currently 2 weeks ahead.

And, Chinese Medicine. I downloaded the Manual of Acupuncture by Deadman (what a name) from iTunes. It was only $39 and the hard copy text book is $135, so I will try and get away with just the app for now and borrowing the hardcopy from the school's library. It has tutorial videos embedded in it too. It is so exciting getting into acupuncture. I was also doing some additional reading about Substance P and how they think acupuncture works. I have begun reading some of the basic introductory stuff in Deadman about Cun measurements and angle of needle insertion. There is SO much in that book it's slightly overwhelming. No wonder most courses do either acupuncture of herbal medicine but not both. I'm only doing two subjects next semester as I gained credits for the others.

Western medicine - I will be doing self-directed study of Dr Najeeb's lectures. My goal is to work my way through and makes notes of all of them. I haven't found anything else that meets my requirements which is I seriously need to refresh my basic sciences, and I need to do it at a foundations level and not just a revision level. I intend to do these before going back to Western med school. I'm hoping this course, and getting a bit more on-top of my finances, will alleviate a lot of the stress I found going to med school. So far, I've begun with the free lectures on his website and if I get through them I'll start the full course which is about $400 for two years access.

Well, that's my update on my studies. I'm technically only doing 4 subjects right now, so with my ability to practically study full-time at work, this shouldn't be too difficult.

Subjects this half of 2012:

  1. Acupucnture 1 (CM)
  2. Chinese Medicine Diagnosis (CM)
  3. Current Issues in Skin Biology (HM)
  4. Research and Evaluation Methods in International Health (IH)
  1. Dr Najeeb lectures (WM)

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