Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Tonight, I feel my life couldn't be more perfect than it is right now. I mean, there are still things I want, but I'm so grateful for what I have.

I have the most beautiful and sexy life partner, a rewarding and fulfilling career, I lovely home which is keeping me safe from this wild weather and includes a most excellent housemate and awesome cute pets, I live in a lovely town with nice clean air and plenty of green yet is close enough to the city for nights out, I'm studying three (!) courses which I'm absolutely passionate about and severely enjoy studying which I can study at work and just relax when I get home, and I'm going to Bali in three weeks for what is sure to be a fantastic holiday with thoughts on India for NYE. What else? Hmm...

Lots of things.

Oh yeh, my family is pretty awesome. I got a good one in the lucky dip of life. I have enough money right now to do things including building a second house (although slowly) and I feel relatively liberated from the grip of consumerism.

 A major break through for me today was 1) I felt appreciated by my superiors at work which made me feel validated as a professional in my field (this never happens, except for my direct supervisor however we are really good friends) and 2) I've decided I don't NEED to be on a diet. And about an hour after that I decided that I still CHOOSE to do a workout tomorrow and to continue focusing on my nutrition. I choose to eat healthy because that's what fit and healthy people like me do. I have decided that I am already pretty darn fit and healthy. I mean, I can run 9kms. I don't always have time to do it but I've done it (well, technically run 4.5 and walked/run the last 4.5) almost every week with other workout sessions in between. It's not every day, but I think I can sustainably manage three times a week for life.

My diet looks pretty good even though I originally got upset about today because I ate about 100g of chocolate and about 100g of lollies, but apart from that it was all veges and herbal tea and muesli and almond milk. So maybe my clothes fit a little tighter right now, but I still look toned, tight, and healthy and I remain in my healthy BMI. Don't get me wrong - I still want to shed some of this weight, but I've decided I'm not going to kill myself to do it, put my life on hold until I get there, or hate myself for how I look right now. I am loving the 12wbt though.

The biweekly videos from Mish are inspirational, I'm loving the vege meals provided by her nutritionist, and I even do the set workouts with a smile on my face. What I can't or don't want to do includes waking up early from my fatigue break to workout when I'm absolutely stuffed, working out every day at all costs even when I feel my energy is low, spend a whole Sunday cooking in advance for the week, and going hungry worrying about if it's time for my snack. What I'm resisting right now but am willing to continue working on is: counting and recording calorie intake, staying away from soft drink (including diet soft drinks) and saving my alcohol calories to once or twice a week wines with dinner, being more organized and doing just one weekly grocery shop (howevere I'm finding even though I'm supposedly buying for "one" that im actually ending up with a large excess of food in my fridge each week, so I'll just buy 3 or 4 days work once and week and go from there).

 So, is that too much information?

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