Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Med school

So I just got asked about OUM and I thought I'd put a blanket response here now that I sort of know what I'm doing kinda. I haven't officially dropped out from OUM yet. I wonder if any of the administration staff would ever stumble across this blog. I guess I haven't fully decided. I guess im AWOL. OUM offers a Master of Medicine for students who do the preclinical modules then do a research project. I'm a little annoyed at some of what's happening at OUM right now, but the honest truth is I'm dropping out due to money and time stress. If one of these things could be eliminated, then I might consider going back after a break. I totally flunked my last module as my brain checked out too early. I have been looking a lot at IUHS. It is very similar to OUM except about half the price. They take transfer students from other WHO-listed med schools, and they also offer credits. The thing is, for example, their cardiac and respiratory module is one combined module and at OUM it was two separate ones, so the six preclinical modules I've done at OUM would at best be about 3.5-4 at IUHS. There is also a transfer fee and I must graduate within 7 years of beginning at OUM if I transfer credits. I also have to sit their module exams to prove I'm up to their standard. They allow LOA but don't have that "minimum of three out of five modules per year" like OUM does which makes it slightly intimidating. So, with all these considerations, it's very likely that I'd simply begin my med degree again from the beginning with IUHS. I know that sounds painful but in the long run id be saving a significant amount of money and losing not that much time. I haven't applied yet and I haven't been accepted, I'm just thinking hypothetically. But the reality is even with the reduced tuition fees at IUHS, I'm not sure I want to continue pouring money into that career right now. Truthfully, I think I'll stick with TCM. This is mainly for lifestyle reasons. I do love med and western med does resonate with me in so many ways. But the again if I think of the kind of work I want to do, the lifestyle I want to have, then TCM is for me. Does that make sense? Hmph. In other and good news my health and well-being is going amazing. My energy levels are up, my throat looks pretty good, I feel happy and relaxed. I am enjoying learning about TCM philosophy. I have a lot of unanswered questions and I guess my biomedical mind has a lot of questions.


  1. Hey CJ, thanks so much for you blog, I sent you a message through valuemd as well but you may get this post quicker.

    Dose IUHS do distance learning as well? Or you would have to go on campus?

  2. Yes, it is very very similar.... Check it out.
