Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Kitty gets collared

I've had enough of kitty's killing. Today's dead bird was the last straw. Now she must wear this reflective and bell-adorned collar.

Running with the dog

I took the dog for a run today during my 10-hour fatigue-break. I normally sleep the whole 10 hours but today is my last day at work for the week so I got up earlier in the hope of sleeping tonight at a reasonable time.

The weather isn't the best today but I thought to myself that that is the reason I have all the cold and wet-weather gear. We managed to stay dry on the 2.5km run but my ears are still frozen.

So today I wont have much time to study at work as it is such a short day for me now but that is ok because I actually got ahead yesterday. I discovered that I need to take more regular breaks now that I'm actively in calorie deficit but I was still able to get a lot done.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Motivation = 0

I find myself in this position at the desk at work often lately....
So, yep, I dyed my hair back to my natural-ish brown a few months ago after experimenting with black first.
Motivation: I'm going away again this weekend so it needs to be done NOW. Also, I get to start a new case study today! Hoorah!

(PS I don't know why my phone is don't that weird grid thing, but I am too lazy to use my fancy DSLR camera I bought last year and upload it when I get home. I'll try and take some more attractive photos soon.)

Ok everybody PANIC!

I had my lecture this morning and I felt like I knew NOTHING! I'm at Code Yellow. This is not an unfamiliar territory - I seem to do this to myself every term.

Dreading the quiz.

I hope I don't stuff up my good grades with a crap score this term.

If I could have afforded it, and done 5 terms a year, I would be up to clinical placements by now my motivation would not be flailing.


But I must remind myself it is the journey and not the destination, and this is a marathon and not a sprint.

If this is a marathon, right now I'm on the really boring bit of the loop, right at the back of the course, it's flat and barren, but I've come too far to go back and I'm in the ranking for a medal so I can't slow down to a walk now.....

Sunday, January 29, 2012

iPad and no service

I've been trying to blog this weekend but my iPad Blogger app wont work and I'm not get enough signal strength on my mobile anyway.

So, my boss quit and now he's been packing up everything this weekend. It's so sad. He has been going though his stuff and found a lot of old paperwork he doesn't know why he ever kept in the first place. It has made me think I really need to go through my draws in my study at home and the top shelf of my locker at work. I generally take pride in having a clear in-try and in-box.

Being a vegan is going really good for me! My diet and workouts have been going really well too. I just had to motivate myself a LOT and during the day if I think of inspirational things I write them in a memo to myself in my phone.

Study - I have done a bit this weekend but not as much as I should have done to catch up (for various reasons - work, personal life commitments). It's ok. I'm not panicking just yet.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Move on

The one good thing med school teaches you is to not get behind. If you get behind on your study too far, you simply don't have enough time to catch up.

I've had a bad week for study this week. Naughty me. I have no choice now but to do my best over the next 4 days and move on. One could probably adopt this philosophy to many aspects of their life.

TG it's stroke so I have at least some residual background knowledge from being a paramedic. Being a paramedic alone, I must add, is not necessarily enough to do well in med school (uh, duh) and in my four years as an ambo I have done extra reading and looked up cases in my own time to understand the pathophysiology much better than we were expected to know in paramedic school.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Oh no, my favourite vase that my friend gave me for my birthday about 6 years ago is leaking :-(

In this photo you can also see; the rose I picked from my own garden, the table ny friend gave me when she upgraded, one of the four chairs I snagged for $8 at the local opshop, the water feature I've had "in progress" for about 18 months, and the small vege patch with dog-proof fencing made from my old boundary fence when it fell apart.

Easy money

Well I've successfully managed to procrastinate quite effectively this week. I DID get to do my neuro quiz 2 last night at midnight, and my score of 60% will unfortunately have to do. I spent too much time on the ventricles and not enough on the lobes. Fark.

As far as the research project at work - my contact has suggested I email my uni(s) to see if I can get any academic credit for it. She sent me some examples of the sort of article I could produce with the same sort of epidemiological data from work. It looks achievable. My only concern is the examples have three or more authors and I'm on my lonesome. Hmmm....

The vegan thing has been going remarkably well. In fact, I don't think I realized I was already half-way there anyway. I'm also trying to reduce the amount of soda I drink, especially energy drinks.

I worked last night on overtime. I got paid 12.5 hours at double-time and literally did half an hours "work" which involved driving to the next town only to be cancelled due to a closer available ambulance. Nice. The rest of the time I watched tv (I'm starting to like the mind-numbing experience of watching tv again - I must break this habit before it forms), did my quiz, and slept. :)

I tried to study before the quiz but my brain was not functioning properly. I just thought "stuff it" and attempted it as I was running out of time limit. Oh well, at least I know they will be easy grades to pick up in the final exam.

So time to break my study drought and return to the books.


Smile everybody! It's Australia Day!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Skinny Bitch

So somehow I got reading another fitness blog yesterday and she recommended the book Skinny Bitch. Well, it was $7 on Amazon as an eBook so I thought - what the hell. I don't think I've ever read a book in only a few hours but I got through this one yesterday arvo.

I was tricked (and it worked).

This book pushes the political agenda of veganism. There's a whole chapter on slaughter houses and the cruel things people have said, and have been quoted, to do to animals. My minds eye has been scarred. I cuddled my dog all last night because I was so sad about what people do to animals.

I'm already a "friend" of The Institute for In Vitro Sciences and The John Hopkins centre for Alternative to Animal Testing but I might look a bit more back into this now.

I know slaughter houses aren't pretty places, but geez, it's much harder to not think about it now, especially after my terrible recent experience going roo shooting.

I think I have become an instant vegan.

So my background is I was vegetarian that ate little diary for a while. And I have been, what I call, a "part-time" vegetarian for years. That is, I am quite selective about what meat I eat and I probably only eat meat once a day on average (which is not much when you compare that to three times a day for most people). I make the best choices that I can, and I don't buy leather (my work boots are leather but they are standard issue and I don't get the one pair I'm entitled to a year), and I always get free-range eggs. I also like tofu and soy milk and rice milk.....

So now I'm a paramedic, a med student, a Masters student, trying to get fit and healthy, trying to live sustainably, trying to live simply, AND and friggin vegan. Ugh.

My main concern is when I travel - I might not be able to be so selective. But thinking about it, in Samoa it should be really easy as they have no dairy industry (they have coconut milk), no cattle industry (almost everything is imported frozen), and I think I can avoid the seafood too.

I plan to chronicle my vegan adventures here on this blog now too.

Wish me luck.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Word of the day

"Streptococcus bacillae"

This is part of my series about the days when I sometimes wakeup with a word in my head. It's usually something I've been studying and if often long and complicated, so perhaps I've been repeating it to myself during the day.

Anyway, this morning at about 3am (when my dog woke me to let him out) I had the word "streptococcus bacillae" in my head. It is not a real word, but a combination of the pathogens I was studying yesterday in my bacterial meningitis case study.

Too early 2

This morning began when I got rudely awoken by a phone call from New York - ok so I should have been up already but my alarm didn't work (I sleep through alarms when I'm that tired which is always worrying when I'm at home on-call). We have downloaded the latest version of Securexam and my fingers are crossed that I'll be able to do my quiz today.

It's research day today (wow - that came around really quick), so I'm just deciding whether to stay up or go back to bed for two hours before journal club.....me thinks beddy-bed-bed time.

Yesterday I had my new express 1-hour mentor meeting. It's too brief, but what can one do. My mentor thinks it's better to continue meeting weekly for the hour rather than fortnightly for two hours. My supposedly compensatory 1-hour academic advisor's meeting (via Skype until they can recruit some Australian academic advisors) really only lasts for 10 minutes, so I'm feeling a little ripped-off. I didn't feel well-prepared enough for my mentor meeting and I'm sort of kicking myself. I felt like a tool. I'll make sure next week I am the expert of hemiparesis.

In good news - I got a phone call last night from a student who is in his clinical rotations and he is absolutely loving it. He has managed to secure the best, most competitive core rotations at the best hospitals. It turns out he used to work for a pharmaceutical company and therefore....it's who you know sometimes. But what I'm so grateful for is he, and he classmates, are paving the way for the rest of us and doing so with a positive attitude. Big thank you to them. He also put my mind at ease a bit and said to keep over 75% in modules and I will be well -prepared for the clinicals. Whew. He also reminded me what a little gem Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine is, and I read a little in bed last night.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Too early

It's too early to be up on my first day off. The sleep bank part of my schedule will have to be moved to Wednesday.

I'm currently on a 10 minute break from my three hour lecture, which will be followed by my weekly hour Skype call with my academic advisor, which will then be followed by my in-person meeting with my mentor. Whew. After that I will attempt the weekly quiz, but I'm not that optimistic as I still haven't completed last week's due to technical difficulties which I hope to resolve tomorrow morning at 7am with a Skype call to New York.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Nasty work

It's my last 2 hours at work for the week, it's 30oC, and I cannot wait to get home and get the barbie fired up (and the sav blanc opened).

I'm feeling good about this week and the study I've done at work. We weren't very busy this week so it made it a little easier. I also managed to catch up with some friends from uni (paramedic degree) and it's always great to do so.

I'm feeling a little sooky this afternoon as I overheard a nasty job unfold down at the beach. These types of things always make me want to go home and hug my loved ones and not let go. Life is so precious. My other superficial worries don't seem as bad this afternoon as they did this morning.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

FA Organ Systems Review

I got my First Aid for the Basic Sciences General Principles two weeks ago, and my FA for the Basic Sciences Organs Systems arrived two days ago. I didn't get these two books intially because of the bad reviews on Amazon, but I have to say - I'm loving them!

I'm sure the second editions, when they hurry up and release them, will address the issues and I wish they would release an errata like they do for FA for the USMLE Step 1, but I can cope with them how they are.

For me, the visual lay-out is important. It needs to flow and be organised like the way I like my mind to be organised. I have spoken about the importance of gestalting before.

Anyway, I love them. I used FA Step 1 all the time. I almost never use the Kaplan versions "MedEssentials" due to the clunky lay-out.

I've done a little more work on the research project this morning at work, so I'm happy with how that is travelling - nice and stress-free. I wonder if I can make it into the professional magazine we have called "Response" by Paramedics Australasia and whether that would be good enough as a "published" article for my residency applications as a start. For my Masters I will have to do something bigger and better but this will be an excellent learning opportunity and at the very least it will help me next year when I get to that stage.

Pretty much loving life right now. This helped me put things in perspective this morning:

Happy anniversary

Happy anniversary to me! I't s four years today since I started at my job. Woo-hoo! Oh how the time has flown by....

My co-worker today (30 years in the job) asked me if I thought I would still be here after four years, given that the average paramedic lasted only 7 years in the job when I started, and now that figure has decreased to five years (or so I have heard). And the short answer is - I was already considering medical school but if my ambulance service allowed me clear career progression and other things such as time off without pay to work, say for example in an aboriginal community or overseas doing aid, then, yeh, maybe I would have been more satisfied to stick around. But from what I've heard, the longer a paramedic stays, the more they cost the company, so, really, encouraging ambos to stay longer is not a priority it would seem.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Internet access is obviously very important when studying a medical degree by distance. I am trying to figure out how I can access my mandatory lectures online when my work computer wont let me download Java, which is essential. And my iPad doesn't allow Java either, which I think is the worst idea Apple ever had.

My mobile phone allows a "hotspot" but I have to figure out how much data and speed I'll need to use Elluminate, and then I'll friggin have to dust off the old laptop which annoys me as my desktop and ipad are brand new.


Well at least my old laptop still works.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Speaks for itself

New plan works well

Well it was amazing what I accomplished yesterday after implementing my new study plan. It certainly helped me keep on-track and not get distracted doing other things.

Last night, after all my readigs for the day were done, and my eye-balls were tired, I was able to watch a bit of TV on the couch completely guilt-free! My house is still nice and clean and organised(-ish) and things are going great.

This morning I went for a run because I know I have enoug time for today's readings afterwards, although I am back at work which makes my study time a little unpredicatable for the rest of this week!

My dog escaped again this morning but thankfully he seems to now always go to my neighbours house at the end of the street. She is retired and often sits on the bench in her front yard so I guess he reckons that's a pretty good place to go for company. He escaped by pushing out a front window (I have no front fence) which I only left open by about 5cm for airflow. It's one of those ones you wind out on like a bike-chain type thing. I hope he doesn't decide he can push it out from the fully closed position too!

The poor thing. I hope he can wait until I can have a second dog soon.

I have managed to take my second step towrds this research project by emailing the grant people at the government. Apparently I need to register my profile on their system first.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Research day

Tuesdays on my schedule are research days. I attended my first Journal Club at med school. It wasn't as painful as I'd predicted, and it is really good practice to go through these articles as a group under the guidance of two experts.

One of my former classmates is ahead of me and is in her clinical modules. I heard they added a research block and she mentioned her clinical research project in the class today. It looks like I'll be doing a number of research projects in the very near future of my career. After this post I will work more on my current project proposal.

There is something about adding to the human knowledge-bank that is extremely appealing, and even more  so when it is about helping sick people. Today's article was about Alzheimer Disease and it feels amazing to be among doctors and clinical research scientists that are part of a human effort to combat disease. Humans, as a race, do some many things wrong, but I feel more optimistic when I think about the things we do right, like advances in medicine, science, technology, and space exploration! (Been watching too much Star Trek lately....)

Monday, January 16, 2012


I just counted up all the pages I was expected to read this week:  451! Four-hundred and fifty-one pages of information-dense medical textbooks in one week PLUS a three hour lecture, one-hour journal club and accompanying journal article (add another 5 pages), a weekly mentor meeting, and a weekly academic advisor meeting AND the 27 page case study... Ok so now that's 483 pages!

Not. Gonna. Happen.

If I studied 7 days a week for 8 hours a day that's 9 pages an hour (or the recommend minimum 40 hours would be 12 pages an hour, plus the lectures and meetings).

Faark - I better stop blogging.....


The contractors building next door firstly asked to use my power one day (I only allowed them to for a few minutes) and now another group is stealing water from the house across the road (which was repossessed by the bank). I highly doubt they have permission.

My friend said she allowed the builders next to her to use her power when she was at home which she billed them for but one day she came home and found them stealing her power without asking!

I'm glad I told these builders I had no external powerpoint, and that my dog is big and scary, and that I'm home 7 days a fortnight.

Where are the morals? I might have to padlock my taps and powerpoints!

Get the services connected already!

Neuro week 1

I just had my first neuro lecture - 3 hours zzzz. Actually, it's quite interesting. How can one not marvel at the human body, especially the brain?

Thankfully I have today off work because I haven't prepared enough for the quiz which opens....now. This term it is open for three whole days! Wooooowwww! I have tomorrow day off too so I might delay it, but, yes, I run the risk of losing time for my second case study which is on bacterial meningitis, which, along with stroke and trauma, are the only neuro focuses with have in ambulance practice.

It also never ceases to amaze me the level of knowledge we're supposed to have coming into the lectures. It's truly revision only. As students of this course we seem to teach ourselves almost everything. I generally prefer this. In my bachelor degree I preferred to just go home and read the slide notes or whatever. I found the lectures took too long to cover a topic. But, occasionally, I do miss live lectures, which is one of the reasons I think I trawl the internet looking for video lectures where I can, just to break up the reading. You can find a lot of these on my page page tab above called Resources.

My dog is constantly barking at the builders next door. He hates their nail-gun as they put up the roofing frame. Sadly, my road is being developed. But on the other hand it should only increase the value of my own property as the new homes go up. The new neighbours seem very friendly.

I started my Schedule in full today and I don't know why I'm so excited about it. I think it helps alleviate the mind of these stress of trying to fit everything in. Ever since I handed over my book-keeping to MyBudget and now MySchedule in place, my mind feels a lot freer to concentrate on the present task at hand. For some reasons I thought being spontaneous was freeing, but now I see with how far I need to stretch my finances and time, that detailed planning is much more liberating!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Almost a doctor

Free notes from almostadoctor.com

I've just added a "Resources" page which has links to the online stuff I use - a lot is free! Woo-hoo!

My schedule

I've already had to make some changes to my schedule. Firstly, I didn't leave enough time to accomplish the readings. Two days is definitely not enough. Other than that the trial run went well this week and I look forward to implementing it in-full tomorrow morning. I'm also going to limit my bloggings to max 10 minutes per day (it usually only takes me 5 minutes) and my Facebooking the same. The timer on my watch has come in handy a lot this week.

I slept for 19 hours yesterday. I drank two iced coffees and a cappuccino at my mentor meeting yesterday, which went really well btw. Coffee in high-doses (or probably more specifically caffeine) has a paradoxical affect on me. It really knocked me out and my afternoon nanna nap rolled straight into bedtime. Wowzas.

Today I bought a bucket to cart all my cleaning gear around to save even more time. I am really amazed at home quickly some tasks can be done and I'm sure they will be even quicker once a more regular cleaning pattern has been established.

I also put a collar on my cat with bells and reflectors on it to stop her killing. She hates it. I've locked her inside today to keep an eye on her so she doesn't injure herself trying to get the collar off. She hates me now too.

Well that is all. I am now going to try and get through the remaining readings for the neuro case (which is Multiple Sclerosis this week) and prepare for my lecture and mini-quiz tomorrow, and then, a new case!

One week down already!

Friday, January 13, 2012

My Progress

I've just worked out how to add a new page - it's called My Progress and there's a new tab at the top next the Home. It's to have an updated status and timeline of how I'm going through my studies. It nervously includes my grades too, so please be kind.

Wow - I'm getting good at this blogging stuff....

In the loop

I'm a little behind my own schedule, already, in week 1! But that's ok as I have the weekend off to go hard.

I have the readings to do which, as usual, are more than I have time for.

Yesterday I have no idea how I wasted my time at work. I was sorting out things and emailing back people and then the new oxygen bottle supply people came and blah blah blah. I began reading about the brain stem and then got distracted.

I have my weekly phone call with my academic advisor shortly, then after that I'll plan out my weekend hour-by-hour.

In other good news, I spoke with the new person at the MESA office today (the Australian OUM contact) and he was very optimistic about 2012 for OUM. And so am I. They have really shaken up the course a lot and improved it. Also, he put me (back) in contact with a student ahead of me who has managed to secure some amazing clinical rotations at the top hospitals in the state.

One thing I must admit in distance learning is that it's difficult to keep "in the loop". I don't know ANY of the students in my Masters degree and I'm only really in regular contact with two OUM students which I got to meet face-to-face at a dinner they had when the school had it's Melbourne visit from the accreditation body.

Ok so I must go back to the books now....

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Endo grade

I finally got my final endo grade back. It was a little better than I thought at 82. I averaged my quizzes at 85 but only got 75 on the exam which really shocked me. I'm so disappointed I performed so poorly considering so many questions were repeated and it was my best (I thought) final exam prep ever. Whatever!

So, have to try and improve this term although neuro isn't going to take any prisoners!

BTW I have to get over 80 on my final pre-clinical in-house exam (which has other scary basic sciences in it which aren't covered very well in the case-based modules hence me studying molecular bio on my holidays this Summer) before they will let me attempt the USMLE Step 1, that is, 80% is virtually a "pass" at my med school in my opinion but noone got over 89 this term in the whole school. Go figure! I have no idea how this compares to other med schools.

Anyway, I think my grades so far are as follows:
1. Introduction to Medicine 83
2. Cardiovascular 84
3. Respiratory 84
4. Musculoskeletal 87
5. Endocrine 82

I'll try and post about how I go in  practice step exams etc, but OUM has had a major curriculum change starting this year with the ITM module becoming 20 weeks with hurdle exams, that is, if you don't pass the bi-weekly exams you have to, at the end of ITM, take a 4 week "foundation" course in that particular basic science are that you failed in. It seems really good. To recap, my plan is to attempt the IHE and if I am deficient in an area and need extra tuition, I will do the foundation class then. I have about a year to get up to scratch.

Ok that is all. I must go get this ginormous neuro reading done today. A whole chapter!


So I've been in contact with the fairly young research and evaluation department (R+E Dept) at my work. I have been thinking for awhile I should try and get involved in some sort of project and preferably have something published to help boost my job potentials for when I'm a newly-minted doctor. The R+E Dept was extremely helpful and have encouraged me to do my own little project! Eek! The lady I spoke to also suggested that I use the project as the one I need to do to complete my Masters next year. I thought the gap was too long, but when I started reading through all the paperwork and deadlines for research grants etc, it's really not at all. I'll keep you posted with how I go and what I'm going to look at, but I think I have a pretty good idea how to tie in my three worlds of ambulance, in-hospital medicine/primary health care, and international health. Exciting!

Another thing she said is that there are 17 people in my ambulance service currenlty doing their PhDs! Holey-moley! It was about 2 years ago the first EVER paramedic got his PhD in a paramedic-related field. Boy, how things have changed since we transitioned into university-based training (for the old on-the-job model). This is encouraging news for an academic that likes to remain clinical like myself. Geez I'd love to be a doctor in the ambulance service....

Other update - my boss quit. I am now the longest serving member of my ambulance station at just 3.5 years, and the most experienced paramedic at 4 years. Geez. I don't have to worry about any big bosses reading this when I say I do not want to take over the newly vacant position. I'm already studing med, my Masters, I'm the Health and Safety Rep, and, oh yeh, sometimes I do have something that looks like a LIFE! The position does indeed pay well/better but it would annihilate my downtime and that wouldn't be good for my studies.

What else? Minimal study yesterday but I got a fair-few things ticked off my to-do list, some of which were imperative like paying my tuition fees! Now that was an effort! The bank lady made me repeat at least 8 times the amount I'm sending and each time it really hurt.


Here is a photo of the spice box I made and one of the lunch bag my sister made for me.

Taking my lunch today...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Back at work and yesterday was busy again but I did manage to finish reading my case study. It helped a lot that it was a short one. I also listened to more podcasts. I now have the readings to do today.

When I got home from work I watched some Kaplan and generally stuffed around until I decided my new goal would be to stop studying by 9.30pm each night and go to bed (in order to sleep enough before waking at 6am). I stoped at 9pm last night and watched the first two episodes of Star Trek: Enterprise Season 3 which I just got in the mail. It was good to relax but I don't find watching tv as stimulating as studying so I don't know what's going on with my brain physiology but that doesn't seem normal!

I've also been implementing a new schedule to try and clean for 15 minutes a day during the week. I once saw a book with a similar title (I didn't buy it) and the concept has remained with me. I am keeping a record and will post about it at the end of the week.  The main gist of it is 15 minutes of cleaning a day Monday to Friday, then one hour of a "special project" on Saturday for which I have been thinking about how I want to spend my hour. Right now the top contenders are organising my wardrobe, cleaning the skirting boards, and organising the pantry. I got a bit inspired and made a small tray for my spices in the pantry. I used a shallow box (the one my Kindle came in) without the lid and covered it with fabric I already had using craft glue. I labeled it and it looks kinda good. I can't afford Conformerware right now, so fabric-covered boxes it is! The next one is for the pasta packets.

Anyway, I have been applying the "time-orientated vs task-orientated" theory into practice with the house chores. This is something medical students must learn about studying med. There isn't enough time to study everything so a student must switch their study plan to fit the time they have, rather than the task they have. It seems to be working well for my for housework this week.

Ok to the books now... I brought in Davidson's (Clinical), Robbins (Patho), and Guyton and Hall (Physiol), and a neuro textbook I borrowed form the library which is not the recommended one - I'll have to try and find the Nolte one....

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Studying where I can

We have had an unusually high case-load at work for the past two days. I've resorted to listening to my podcasts in the ambulance and studying at the hospital while waiting for my partner to finish his case sheet.

Last night we worked until 3.30am so my study was done where I could. The picture is me studying by internal ambulance light at midnight.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Interesting morning

It's only 10am and I've already had an interesting morning. Firstly, driving into work there were 4 sheep just wandering the town's streets. Secondly, I went to a nice car vs tree. Noone was hurt.

TV for pets (3)

What's happening in the world this morning?

Please excuse my front lawn - it looks like it has the mange. It was all chip bark and I'm starting to seed some grass there. With the weather we are having my garden is starting to resemble the jungles of the tropics that I love so much.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


So I technically start the neuro module tomorrow, however I am late with my tuition fees. They won't allow me to enrol without the first month's instalment paid, which is ~$2000. I have up to the end of the week at the latest. After Christmas, going away and not doing any overtime, and being a little too relaxed with my money, I got myself behind a bit and I've had to grovel to my parents for a short-term loan. The way this year is shaping up, I doubt there will be any overseas trips happening (although Bali is on sale currently at $450 return....). These are the sacrifices we have to make I suppose.....

I did just get back now (on the train) for a lovely weekend away into (a different) country-side. It was wonderfully relaxing before I start back at med school again, despite my harrowing first experience "shooting" (hunting). I was just the driver and everything was done humanely and no meat was wasted, but it was dreadful. I wanted to see what happens for myself, and I even forced myself to watch the cutting up of the meat although I felt quite ill.  I said to my friends if I go with them again I will drive and not get out of the front of the ute.

If they weren't so safe with their rifles and strict with what and how many they kill etc I'd want nothing to do with it. They only shoot roos, rabbits, and foxes, and never wallabies and avoid getting female roos (due to the risk of joeys in their pouches). I would eat roo (kangaroo) if it was humanely shot and properly prepared and we only took what we needed and I didn't buy additional meat from the butcher's, etc. I just need to learn how to cook roo so it's not so gamey. I'll have to ask my friend in Alaska who makes moose spring rolls for some tips. I also need a special fridge to "hang" them in, which just feels so creepy. But logically, I think it's better to just take out one small roo out of a herd every few months and do it properly, than to consume a lot of meat from who-knows-where. After-all, roos are a real pest to the local farmers, despite how cute they are.  It will be a much greater leap before I'd see myself eating rabbit......

Anyway, my first neuro case study is Multiple Sclerosis. I asked my lecturer to email me the case study as I can't access my stuff on the OUM website until I've been cleared by the bursar and register. At least now I can make a start this week.  Also, I had a "first-pass" read of the FA neuro section and it looks intimidating to say the least. As a paramedic, I'm pretty good with strokes - both ischaemic and haemorrhagic. After that, I have no clue.

I also start back on-call tonight, so I guess I'll get organised for that now and try and do some study on-call (and wait for the comments to arrive from PETA...)

Train training

Studying on the train... Listening to the first neuro lecture podcast and flicking through FA Basic Sciences General Principles...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


So I've been doing more BrainGenie biology (can't wait to do the chem section too) and looking at my new First Aid Q and A for the USMLE Step 1.  I see there are only a few DNA questions, and if they are they are very much clinically related, and more about lab techniques such as Southern blot methods etc.  So, my goal now is to go through the QandA book and revise the questions I don't know.  I will skip the ones that seem to be patho related in the hope that I will cover those in the appropriate coming modules, ie I should know the cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal, and endocrine ones by now but not the neuro, haem, immune, gastrointestinal, renal, reproductive etc.

From what I'm hearing from students ahead of me, the Final Pre-Clinical Exam, ie the in-house barrier exam before Step 1, is very difficult to pass.  A pass is >80%.  I am concerned.  I only got 75% on my last exam. At least it has motivated me to do better.

I'm feeling like I really want to be an emergency specialist right now.  I wont be too upset with general practice, and in fact I'd probably prefer only emergency and paediatrics ahead of GP.  If I did GP I'd love to do rural. I'd would LOVE to do emergency training in Australia or the US. Either way, I feel I need to, somehow, do even better this year. 

I think I can do it.  The pieces are slowly coming together.

The main thing I need to remind myself to accept is - in medicine, I can't go on auto-pilot. It's not easy for me at all.  I remember friends saying stuff like "studying medicine isn't hard; there's just lots to remember" and I've made similar comments in the past.  Well, I find some of studying medicine hard! I'm finding the biochemistry particularly difficult to understand in enough depth to be able to answer some of the Step 1 questions. I'm finding it hard to remember all the different clinical presentations of different diseases and what distinguishes one from the other when there are so many and so many overlap.

Studying medicine has already proven to be a formidable challenge and I'm really enjoying it! I've definitely made the right choice in career path.
I'm really loving reading the Mothers in Medicine blog. I've never come across such amazing people and writing.  They way these women, and sometimes men, describe their dual loves for their careers and family, in a compassionate and intellectual way, makes me feel all gooey inside. Getting a peek inside the brain of a female heart transplant surgeon who flies in a jet with pregnant belly - priceless!


I love butterflies and this warm and humid weather we're having is making them come out in swarms! Beautiful!

I bought this plant when I saw it for sale last year because I noticed it was the same one I had seen butterflies hanging around on my walks with the dog. It grows like crazy and has these strange purple pokers covered in tiny flowers.
I just looked this plant up in my What Flower is That? book and it is called a Buddleia Davidii and it's common name is "Butterfly Bush"!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Studying at work again

I'm up to my old tricks again - that is, studying at work during down-time.

I'm really hooked on the BrainGenie lectures. I'm taking what I'm learning there and cross-referencing the with my First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 and Kaplan medEssentials revision books. The lectures have helped me a lot - now when I look at the stuff in the books it is starting to look and feel familiar, although there is a scary amount of depth in the "revision" texts and the BrainGenie lectures did not go this far.  i will need to recruit more resources.  I also need to have a look at some practice questions to get a feel for how they want me to manipulate the information I'm learning.

I just spent the first hour at work revising my work Clinical Practice Guidelines, and now I'm back to my current BrainGenie addiction.  I've decided to go further than what I came for and use all their biology and chemistry lectures if I can, although this may take awhile to go through.  They are so interesting.

It's nice to study for pleasure for a change.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Fitness Resolution

After working until 5.30am I got up "early" and did a workout. It is now only 3pm on 1/1/12 but I've already refused donuts, bbq shapes, chocolate and coke.

I got my Nintendo Wii in 2008. Today is my 1333rd day since I started using my Wii Fit!