Saturday, July 2, 2011


Work is actually really starting to frustrate me atm.  Unfortunately I can't really go into why incase someone from work actually reads this thing.  Suffice to say, I am due for some annual leave.

No study today.  Just so so need to stop the world turning for half a day.  Luckily, this week's case study is easy, all bar the ridiculous amount of anatomy I need to download into my cerebrum.  I generally just study until I need a day off and then take a day off.   Today is the day BIG TIME!

Worked with someone yesterday that just got back from Nepal so I have all these exciting ideas for the Nepal portion of my trip.  Excited once again.  Her photos looked so cool!  I'm thinking paragliding in Pokhara.

1 comment:

  1. Hey CJ worked with AV for 22 years now in middle east for 2 or so years start with OUM next year following your blog with interest
