The 5am lectures on Thursday mornings are very difficult for me and my terrible habit of needing to sleep occasionally. At least they are not interrupted by inconsiderate patients having emergencies.
Well, I have seemed to have lost a good portion of today so I must stop blogging and start learning about calcium homeostasis, microbes involved in osteomyelitis, and other such areas of this week's learning objectives which I seem to be deficient in.
Oh, before I go, a quick mention that today we were talking about imaging and MRIs and I asked "What if you don't have access to MRI?" and I found myself thinking about working in Samoa. If not Samoa, then Cambodia, or Rwanda, or somewhere exotic and remote where you need to improvise and rely on your clinical judgement. I'm so excited, I seem to have gotten an extra boost of motivation lately thinking that I might actually one day do this big dream I have for working for Medecines Sans Frontiers (or similar organisation). You know that nice feeling that rarely happens when a dream starts to morph into a future possibility? I'm there right now.
The doctors in training thing?? Its it australian or american based?? and it seems a whole lot of money?? is it good would you recommend it?? can you tell me more about it?? AS im looking for help as next years finals year and although im more than adequate on the wards and the practical/communication skills of our work my knowledge if the intricate things could use a boost. Would it work using it in the uk?