Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Packing - what I'm taking

Here's my list (and it's considerably longer than my BF's)....

Documentation and electrical

  1. Passport, documents (including tickets!), wallet (with cards, cash and ID), diary (organiser)
  2. Sunglasses (not doc or elec but just as essential)
  3. Phone and charger 
  4. iPad and charger (with movies and books on it!)
  5. Good camera, longer lens, and charger (with SD card in it)
  6. Underwater camera and charger
  7. Travel adapter
  8. Lonely Planet - post to follow.....
  1. Toiletries - minimum makeup, toothbrush, tooth paste, small container of purple-toner for my hair, hair ties, bobby-pins
  2. Survival kit - panadol and nurofen, immodium and senna, bandaids, anti-septic lotion and Travel Calm (anit-pain, anti-too fast, anti-too slow, anti-puke, anti-bleed, anti-septic)
  3. More survival - eye mask, eye plugs for too loud, ear plugs for pressure
  4. ?travel pillow (may not make the final cut)

Underwear and footwear
  1. Under wear - 4 pairs panties, 3 bras, 2 pairs of socks - all in delicates/laundry bag x2 (one for dirty and one for clean) - you can use hotel hand-soap of need-be
  2. Thongs x2 pairs (off-road sandle-type and comfy/pretty type)
  3. Runners x1 pair (for early morning jogs and hiking volcanoes!)
  1. 1x set running outfit - knee-length running tights, sports bra 
  2. Swim wear - 1x bikini, ?1x one-piece (for diving)
  3. Scarves - another tough one to minimalist - may favourite travel accessory - prob 2
  4. Bad weather gear - multi-purpose rain jacket and ear-warming head-band
  5. Fancy purifying water bottle
  1. Singlets! - about 3 or 4
  2. T-shirts! - about 2 or 3
  3. Shirts! - about 2
  4. Cooler wear top - 1x cardigan
  1. Jeans! A must-have in any situation at any time! Im taking the pair that does casual and dressy.
  2. Cargo pant - comfy and roll-up into shorts.
  3. Skirts - difficult here because I love them - prob will cut-back to 2 - shorter and longer
  4. Dress - one stretchy-maxi and one sari-wrap
  5. Sarong - don't have one right now! WTF!? First Bali purchase....
Other accessories - none! Only the jewellery I'm wearing.

Books etc - none - only whats in the iPad and the Lonely Planet. I always imagine myself reading a book by the ocean/pool but it never happens.

Let's see if this fits in my suitcase or if I need to do my halving rule!

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