Friday, April 13, 2018

AMC Prep Week 5/6 - on the road

I am in Week 5 of 6 weeks AMC prep and I am away from home visiting my parents in Tasmania. So far they have been very supportive of my study including looking after the children and cooking meals etc. I wish I had this much support all the time.

This week I have dedicated to the AMC Anthology of Medical Conditions book, specifically the images within the book as I hear they appear on the exam, and AMCQBank. There is probably about 100-150 pictures in Anthology so I think it's reasonable to at least learn the conditions/diseases presented.

I have also been told the images in Tjandra Surgery textbook are worth knowing, however that is a much larger textbook. I will have a flick through when back at the hospital library. My colleague also said each topic that appears in AMC Handbook to look up the answers online in the RACGP guidelines. That makes total sense. And is probably a better way for me to study than using Murtagh's.

I am really enjoying QBank. I was around 70% average but I've dropped to 60% since doing the normal distribution of questions, that is more adult medicine, whereas before I was focusing on obstetrics and gynaecology and psychiatry questions to supplement my study last week for which I seem to do better on exam questions. I have done about 400 questions out of 1795 so far. Actually, I think part of my drop in percentage is doing the questions at home and on holidays because the distraction level is extreme. I find I lose A LOT of marks because of simple errors such as reading the question or answer choices incorrectly. I will have to take my time on the day.

My colleague just informed me she passed the AMC with a 60-65% average on QBank so that is a little reassuring, however I would like to improve my scores over the next few weeks before I sit the exam. Of course, I'd like to do really well on the exam, and not just pass it, but I need to sit it next month as I don't have any more full-time study time available to me, plus hoping to have some results for internship applications mid-year.

I have now booked my exam for Saturday the 19th of May. I will be staying in the city (without the kids) the night before so I don't have to travel as far to the testing centre. I need to be there at 8:30am.

My current level of confidence has improved to where I can see I can possibly do this (hence I booked the exam) but I am not very confident at all. And it feels shit.

Overall, though, this prep has made me feel much more confident about possibly being an intern soon. As a supervising doctor once said to me: "You don't have to be the best, you just have to be average." Love it.

If I pass AMC then I will feel the right to feel average :)

Thursday, April 5, 2018


I have been intermittently taking practice exams to see where I'm at and I'm happy to report my confident and marks are improving.

I think a lot of it is just activating my brain in this way again after such a lengthy break with the kids, not thinking about much else except nappies, formula, and whether Iggle Piggle is an appropriate role model for the past year.

I started out with an embarrassing 45% correct average, now it's around 70%. I would like to be hitting 75% consistently (or even greater) before I attempt the real exam.

So I've almost completed 4 weeks of full-time study prep, but in that time I did miss some days due to moving, Easter, illness etc. I plan to have another 4 weeks of part-time prep when hubby goes back to work but I would absolutely love another 6 weeks full-time study (to make 3 months total) but I simply do not have that option due to childcare.

Anyway, no time to lose worrying. Back to the books.

I'm currently doing AMC QBank as well.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Week 4/6 of AMC1 prep

Today I start week 4 of my 6-week Australian Medical Council exam for International Medical Graduates prep. I can't believe I'm already half-way.

Week 2 was a write-off due to moving. Last week I had a massive migraine with neurological signs that landed my in the Emergency Department with a CT Brain. I'm all fine but it took the wind out of my sails.

Weeks 3 and 4 have been a much reduced study load than what I set for myself in weeks 1 and 2. I really should've given myself an extra week for adult medicine at least.

This week is Obstetrics and Gynaecology. I am doing the O&G questions from AMC Handbook of MCQs, and cross-referencing them with Llewellyn-Jones Fundamentals of O&G. Some of the gynaecology questions from AMC Handbook are in the adult medicine section so I saved them for this week when I came across them in week 2 as there are only about 28 obstetric questions.

A lot I know from just having a baby myself. Some I learned at med school and from my in-hospital clinical obstetrics placement, but seeing as I was pregnant with my first during the reproductive system module and then with my second during my O&G placement, I can't say I was really on the ball during those times at med school. I definitely learned more by simply being pregnant myself. Of course its very much augmented by the fact I read O&G textbooks to supplement my own experience as a patient. I always say that its easier to remember things when your brain deems them important. What is more important than the health of your unborn baby?

Part of the issue I had such a terrible migraine, I think, was from studying at the library. The public library has only one study room and it is often booked by group of old ladies chatting about knitting or baking or some crap that really infuriates me. The other "study" section of the library has been so unbelievably noisey and distracting lately. I am a mum and a paramedic so I can work under pretty awful noise conditions but this library situation has been horrible.

Then I realised I really needed a particular textbook that I really didn't want to have to purchase so I rang the local hospital library to see if they would allow me an outsider membership. It took a week to organise and $135 for an annual membership but I am so happy to be able to borrow at the hospital library AND study in a lovely quiet space. So stoked.

Its been the Easter long weekend so neither library has been available to me and my husband had arranged some (urgent) landscaping to occur at our new house and our babysitter kind of feel through so I was unable to study which really sucked. Always, always obstacles for me. But...I just have to push through.

So far I am sticking MOSTLY to my plan of completing AMC Handbook cover-to-cover and referencing topics in Murtaghs, as well as Llewellyn-Jones O&G, Practical Paediatrics by South and Iaasacs, and I think I'll also use Foundations of Clinical Psychiatry by Bloch. A few other clinical guidelines online, and I'm really going to try and go through the photos in AMC Anthology of Medical Conditions because that's where I heard a lot of the images in the exam come from.

Ok back to the books because I have no time to waste.