Monday, April 6, 2015

I'm back!

For now.

And so much had changed since I last blogged.

Exciting news:

I completed my pre-clinical studies and am now doing my clinical rotations!

Yay for me!

I'm about a third of the way through my clinical rotations so I am really happy to be on the downward slope of this medical degree.

I found out I can take a little longer to complete my degree than I initially thought, so this has taken a lot of pressure off as I thought I was running out of time.

Also... I've had a baby! Yay! I have a beautiful baby girl. She is doing great. It has been "interesting" juggling a baby, being a new mum, and medical school. Somehow I've found a pretty great balance. I've had a year off work on maternity leave so that has helped the time logistics so far but I'm planning on returning in the next few weeks to my old paramedic job so I just have to have a bit of faith that everything in my life with fit into a 24-hour day.

I'm currently typing this as my baby naps and in-between Emergency Medicine lectures. Sadly, I have to keep sitting exams during my clinical modules but I'm finding everything far more easier now I'm out of pre-clinical years.

One good thing about having a baby is that I find it a lot easier to re-prioritise things to suit her. I mean, I find it easier to just get things done when I need to in the small amount of times that I have, I go to bed earlier (out of necessity as she gets up so early), I eat better as she is modelling my behaviour, and I generally don't place my entire happiness and success on whether I do well in this course or not. For me, now, I'm more relaxed into it. I'll be happy to graduate. Whatever happens after that is a bonus. I'm a mum first now, and medicine, I'm sorry, will just have to be happy taking a back seat.

I'm still a vegan. Baby is too apart from her formula (you can't purchase commercially available formula in Australia). My pregnancy went really well. Baby was due the week of my final pre-clinical exam! I took the exam early and she came late. I'm so glad I ate healthy during pregnancy as she is just perfect.

Baby is awake so I hope to be brave enough to blog more.

Good luck everyone pursuing their dreams x